Blogging for Business Owners, Not Writers

A 90-minute LIVE workshop on Sept. 26th, 10am Pacific to learn how to use your blog to boost your SEO and get FOUND

If you were on Myspace in the early 2000s, you might think you know what blogging is: Public journaling, sharing what you had for breakfast, TMI (too much info)+ TLDR (too long, didn’t read) deep insights into your emotional life…

But ooooh, times have changed (even if the fashions have come back around… Bell bottoms?! AGAIN?!).

I’ll die before I give up my high-waisted pants, just saying.

My point is: Blogging isn’t what it used to be — it’s BETTER. At least, if you’re a business owner who doesn’t love writing as your go-to creative outlet.

For us (yes, me too), writing isn’t something we do for fun. We do it for results. And maybe we like it slightly more than doing our invoicing. If that sounds like you AND you also want clients to fall out of the clear blue sky onto your landing pages… this blogging workshop is for you.

I’m here to teach you how to use your blog to get ideal clients on your site.

I’ll share with you how a SINGLE post can boost you to the top of a Search Engine Results page, plus:

  • Keyword research for newbies

  • What Chatgpt can help with, and what it really can’t.

  • How to enjoy blogging (even if writing isn’t your jam)

  • Where to find ideas for engaging + searchable topics

  • Why blog posts and newsletters are DIFFERENT (and if you treat them the same, you’re missing opportunities)

  • A template to write concise, skimmable, relevant posts

What We Want: New clients to find us — as if by magic! — on the internet. To drop onto your website and think “wow! this person is just who I need!” (without spending money on ads).

These are called “organic leads” and they are not a myth.

Why We Want It


Blogging for your business increases website traffic, even if you don’t include keywords at all. Updating your blog regularly shows Google your website is alive, like a beating heart.

Yes, you’re establishing your authority through genuinely helpful, original content — this can be the beginning of a beautiful relationship.


When you DO include keywords, you have a chance at reaching the top of the Search Engine page for your niche. You don’t need a ton of traffic, just the right traffic.


You also have room to expand on your Point of View, philosophy, and opinions about your work and industry — which might be fodder for a future book…


Consider this the Quick & Dirty Guide to Blogging for your Biz

First, we’re going to toss out everything we think we know about blogging.

  1. It’s not about you — it’s about Google and Cold Leads.

  2. You can’t outsource it to AI or interns (sorry!), but they can help.

  3. You don’t need a regular writing practice for this to work. THERE! I SAID IT! Take THAT dominant paradigm!

“Lauren Van Mullem is usually who I think about first when my clients need a copywriter. Every time I've hosted her to do a presentation for my members, there have been rave reviews, whether it was her How to Write a Solid Headline, Free Write Your Home Page, How to Use Your Home Page Copy to Filter for Perfect-Fit Clients or, my favourite, How to Talk About Your Clients' Struggles In Your Web Copy Without 'Punching The Bruise'.

Lauren shares your ethics, understands niche and, most critically for a copywriter (and missed by most), knows how important articulating your point of view is for establishing credibility in your work.

Lauren is in demand and not easy to book time with and so thank goodness she offers up these workshops from time to time. I vouch for Lauren deeply and entirely. You're in good hands.”

- Tad Hargrave,
Founder, Marketing for Hippies

Ethical note on whether this workshop is right for you

If you have a hard-to-explain, esoteric, magical, or spiritual business where the likelihood is that VERY FEW PEOPLE are searching for what you do, I’ll ask you to be open-minded about the keywords you use, and the blog post topics you write about.

You have a harder challenge to get found when people don’t know to look for you, and SEO may not be your best bet. That doesn’t mean it’s impossible.

If we haven’t met yet, hi, I’m Lauren.

I’m an ethical copywriter for coaches — and I don’t love blogging. “I write all day, every day, and you want me to write ONE MORE DAMN THING?!” Maybe you can relate?

But then I wrote a single blog post, focused on a single keyword, and that ONE blog post has sent me consistent leads every month for years thanks to SEO. I can’t guarantee those results for you, but I can show you how to find what does work for your business.

The Details

What you get:

  • 90-minute LIVE workshop and recording (60-minutes teaching, 30-minutes Q&A)

  • Workshop Slides, including a simple structure for writing your own blog posts

  • Resources doc for inspiration and further study

Money - $60

Can’t make it to the Live workshop? Don’t worry, this will be recorded!

And if you’d like to hear about my upcoming workshops, be sure to join my newsletter below.