Hi, I’m Lauren
Hat lover
Tea junkie
And sometimes I think my job is to teach people how to translate their souls into words
Good copy is clear. Great copy has Energy.
My approach to copywriting is Clarity First (because if your clients aren’t clear about what you do and if it’s for them — nothing else matters) — but Energy comes in a close second.
Because the kind of copy that sings to your soulmate clients is infused with who you are at your core, your essence, your spirit, your values, and the feeling of what it’s actually like to sit across from you over tea.
When we put our essence into the words of our websites, newsletters, social media posts, and marketing — magic happens. Your ideal clients immediately recognize You’re The One!
And the clients you’d rather avoid… melt away. Well, 99% of the time.
Listen — hundreds of coaches probably share your modalities, dozens have your training — but your people want to work with you because you’re you. It’s the one differentiator nobody can copy, which really means that Who You Are is the key to a business that can thrive in any market.
So let’s put YOU into your copy.
With a whole lot of clarity, and just enough structure to not go entirely off the rails.
The best person to write your copy is you. The second best person? That might be me.
I am passionate about supporting service-based business owners to write your own copy. The best way to infuse your energy into your words is to write them yourself! But, there are a lot of formulas and techniques that make that very hard job much easier, and can help guarantee that you’ll see tangible results (Yes, I’m talking about more clients).
My specialty is in teaching you how to find your own right words that will resonate with your ideal clients, so the copy on your website sounds like you and nobody else.
Plus — DIY is a lot more affordable and it’s the best training to explain what you do clearly (a skill you will use every time you introduce yourself).
But… if writing is top of your Least Favorite Things list, I hear you. I’m that way with math (numbers make me want to run screaming). So, for you, I also offer Done-With-You copywriting where we’ll work closely together, with me doing the heavy lifting, to translate your brilliant ideas into copy you’ll love.

If you’ve been struggling with your copy but are willing to throw a draft together (it can be a “shitty first draft”), I can help you make it beautiful, ethical, and effective.
Check Out My Services
I’m also available to ‘make the words go away’ — in fact, that’s the title of my full-service Done-With-You offer.
Okay, okay, I know, you came to this page to learn a little something about me...
My Professional Experience in a Nutshell:
I spent the better part of 10 years writing about SaaS marketing (software-as-a-service = tech industry) and learned all the cutting-edge conversion tactics. I can rattle off sales page formulas; I can draw you a map of your sales funnel and customer journey; I can talk your ear off about customer success.
But while that experience informs my work, it’s not what directs it.
I’m more interested in making an impact than a dollar.
And that’s why I changed the focus of my business to helping hundreds of life, spiritual, business, health & wellness coaches like you write copy that speaks to the hearts of your ideal clients.
Because you get it.
You get that this life is about making the world better, one person-to-person connection at a time.
I’m here to widen your ripple effect with copy that speaks to the deepest needs and desires of your audience, using your words, your stories, your personality — so your website feels like you and connects with them.
I believe in your work.
Friends, I’m a Virgo, INFJ, Manifesting Generator, and an Enneagram 8w9 (The Diplomat - which my husband thinks is funny, because I’m blunt).
Want to pick me out in a crowd Look for the tall woman in the vintage dress and hat.
Find me at home and I’ll be covered in dirt from my herb garden, my mini-schnauzer will greet you at the door, and I will unfailingly offer you tea.
The intuition I bring to my work comes straight from my hippie-dippy heart.
Empathic? Yep (and boy does that help with writing in my clients’ voices). Crystals on my desk? Check. Doused in essential oils? You’ll smell me coming.
I think the most compelling kind of copy isn’t a sales funnel or a formula, but comes from genuine, heart-to-heart connections. My personal brand of magic is building those connections in ways that feel good.
If you’re thinking
“we should know each other,”
I agree –
Schedule a Free Tea Date!
Okay, if you’re still reading, I’m going to really tell you a bit about me (since you asked).
The thing I thought was “too weird” to put on my About Page:
I love working with camels. Horses were a ‘gateway drug’ until I met my first camel, and then I swear, I manifested a camel dairy 45 minutes from my house just so I could learn how to work with them. Oasis Camel Dairy in Ramona (come hang with me at their next camel handling clinic!).
What I do when I’m not writing:
Read supernatural cozy mysteries (I love witches who solve murders while gardening or baking).
Lecture my chickens on gratitude, and my mini-schnauzer Greta on “you’re not the boss of me” (but she is, and she knows it). The cats, Mischief and Jinx, only get lectures from my husband who does not realize they are laws unto themselves.
Study herbalism and tarot, and dabble in knitting, embroidery, pyrography and watercolor. I’m always trying something new, but my office is a museum of ‘hobbies that didn’t stick.’ The ukelele looks great on my wall…
Collect feathers, shells, sand, crystals and antique books. I’m a bit of a magpie for curiosities.
Kill fewer plants over time (aka. gardening and house plant mama). Don’t get me started on gophers or finnicky fiddle-leaf-figs.
Fun Fact:
The flowers on my website are nasturtiums. My aunt had a hillside of nasturtiums, and the smell brings me back to my childhood so I always have some growing in my garden (taking over the place - they’re an unruly bunch).