This is an application only - I won’t be taking payments until after your application is accepted and we’ve had a chance for a Zoom chat! So apply now, then we can schedule a call to get to know each other. See you soon!
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Now that we’ve got that out of the way…

Welcome to:
The Truer Copy Mastermind
a live group copywriting program for coaches and conscious entrepreneurs who like to do things… differently
You need copy for your website -
Maybe you have copy now, but it doesn’t accurately reflect what you do anymore, or it just doesn’t sound like you.
Maybe you don’t even have a website yet.
Maybe you’re revamping the whole thing.
Making big changes to your website copy can either be really hard or really expensive, and either way, you may not be happy with the results.
I’ve been a professional copywriter for more than ten years, and I’ve heard it all from my clients.
“I hired a copywriter for $5000 and it just didn’t sound like me! I ended up losing subscribers and sales.”
“I wrote my own copy but it’s not converting, like, at all. I think I need a pro, but I can’t afford it.”
“I paid YOU to write my copy and I loved it, but I’ve changed all my services and my niche, so it all has to change!”
“I paid you to write my copy, LOVED IT, and want to know ALL OF YOUR SECRETS so I can do better when I have to write for myself!”
The answer to all of these issues is to learn how to write your own amazing copy.
Now, this isn’t for everyone.
But if you want…
Your website copy, your emails, and your ads to consistently sound like you, so your clients won’t be surprised or confused...
To not have to pay a copywriter every time your offers change...
To be able to talk about what you do with ease and clarity in every situation, not just in writing, but on podcasts, in interviews, on Facebook Lives…
Then learning to write your own copy might be a great fit.
Which isn’t to say it’s easy.
Because I’ve also heard these stories:
“I tried that [very expensive, extremely well-known] DIY copy program, and I…
never finished it.
wasn’t prepared for it. I needed more clarity around my niche and offers.
finished it, but it still felt like a DIY effort instead of professionally polished copy.
If you’re going to learn how to write your own copy, you need a program that makes sure you get the polished, pro-level copy you want at the end.
What makes the Truer Copy Mastermind completely different:
I really like to invent better wheels.
When I set out to create my own DIY copywriting program, I first looked at where students of other programs fell through the cracks and didn’t get the results they hoped for. There were some common themes.
7 ways copywriting program students tend to fail:
Trying to force a general template to apply to your specific business
Feeling overwhelmed, getting busy and distracted with other things
Not having enough access to a pro when you get stuck
Having your life blow up for a week, promising yourself you’ll make up for lost time but never getting back to it
Realizing that the copy sounds salesy, feels icky, and is soooo not you
Never feeling 100% confident that the copy you end up with is good enough
Having exactly zero options if the copy you wrote doesn’t actually bring in more clients
Those are some big gaps standing between you and successful copy.
Those gaps inspired me to create this program.
And one more thing…
This program is based on Ethical marketing practices
I was one of the founding team members of the ethical move, a group of marketers dedicated to promoting ethical marketing practices (I had to leave to focus on my own growing biz, but I still love them). That means I am deeply committed to empowering consumers to make informed decisions, rather than manipulating them into making the decisions I want them to make.
There are a lot of manipulative sales tactics in copywriting, and most marketers and business coaches say that the end justifies the means, or that “you have to use these tactics if you want to make sales.” As if there were no other way. As if you could never hope to compete if you don’t fall in line with the way ‘everyone’ else markets.
I don’t think the ends justify the means.
I know you can make sales without manipulation.
From my own experience as a business owner:
My following, my reputation, my relationships with clients, and my income have all grown tremendously because I don’t use shady marketing tactics.
That said, there are a lot of marketing practices that can be used honestly or dishonestly. When gray-area tactics come up, part of this program will include conversations about when, how, and if to use them.
Bonus: You’ll come out of this program a more informed consumer, and you’ll never look at a sales page the same way again.
7 Layers of “Copy Protection” - Your Copy Will Not SUCK
Layer 1: The Workbooks
Most programs use templates. The trouble with templates, even very good ones, even ones I’ve written for other programs, is that they tell you exactly what to write, how to write it, and where to put it.
That’s the whole point of a template, right?
That’s not a trick question. The answer is yes. BUT...
Templates also result in copy that sounds scripted. And, templates fail to account for outliers, people who need to talk about what they do in significantly different ways.
Like homeopathic practitioners, lawyers, or psychologists for example, who can’t use testimonials, or even legally say “if you do X, you’ll get Y result and your life will be so much better!”
My workbooks are designed to help you write copy that’s unique and personal, using questions as their foundation.
You will get the workbooks before the program begins so you can get a feel for them before we start.
Each workbook will include:
How the page works - what it’s supposed to do, how it does that job, why it works to convert. Plus some context around ‘this is how other people do it’ and ‘this is how I suggest you do it that’s really different’. There’s a lot of that.
Pre-writing questions that dig into your point-of-view, story, differentiators, street cred, and ideal client problems and desires.
Example answers and example copy, so you know you’re on the right track.
Step-by-step explanation of each section of the page.
A visual ‘template’ of what goes where, for quick reference.
Screenshots of real, live pages using these techniques.
The drafts you’ll end up with will not be cookie-cutter, but they will have all the elements you need to get ideal clients asking you to take their money. Most importantly, your drafts will sound like you.
Layer 2: Teaching Calls
The next problem with DIY copy programs is that many are self-directed.
They give you the templates and maybe some videos, maybe even a live call or two, and send you off to do the work.
The completion rates of these programs are DISMAL. It’s very hard to make the time to write for yourself (ugh, don’t I know it!).
I have built accountability into every fiber of this program.
Check this out:
Before tackling each page, we’ll start with a live 1.5 hour Zoom call to go over the workbook for that week.
The first 45 minutes of each call will be me explaining how to write the page and answering your questions.
In part 2 of each call, you’ll actually start your first draft (because one of the hardest parts of writing your own copy is making the time to do it). So we take care of the blank page problem and the time problem right off the bat.
Layer 3: Weekly Co-working Sessions
Don’t work well under pressure?
That’s okay, do what you can.
We’ll have follow-up 1-hour co-working sessions on Wednesday mornings during which you can ask me anything and I’ll help you break through any blocks.
We’ll do these ‘pomodoro’-style, which has nothing to do with pasta sauce, and everything to do with breaking up focus time into 20-minute chunks.
What it looks like:
We get on Zoom at 9am Pacific on Wednesdays (12pm Eastern; 5pm GMT), I check in with you to see how it’s been going since Monday’s teaching call. Then, I mute everyone for 20-minutes of focused writing time. Videos on, microphones off, much focusing.
20-minutes later, we take a 10-minute break and you can ask me any questions that have come up. Then we go back for 20 more minutes of focused writing time.
You probably won’t get the whole draft done between Monday and Wednesday, but the calls should keep you on track to making real progress, with the goal of you finishing your draft by the next Monday Teaching call.
(Need absolute uninterrupted time to write? The co-working sessions are optional!)
Layer 4: Private Facebook Group for 6 weeks of in-between help
The Private Truer Copy Facebook Group will be open for the entire duration of the program — that’s six weeks of support, because shit happens.
Even right in the middle of DIY copy programs, shit happens (the nerve!). And I don’t want you to quit if one week of your life blows up real big.
You will have access to me —
I’m on Facebook all day, Monday through Friday, and I’m happy to look at your drafts and answer questions.
You can also ask for “Gut Checks” from other members.
Also… I typically leave the group open for a few weeks after our program ends so group members can continue asking each other for feedback, and celebrate their wins!
Layer 5: Gut Checks
What is a Gut Check?
So, here I go again with The Problem With Other Programs… (I’m really not trying to throw other programs under the bus, but…)
The problem with other programs that use peer reviews is that your peers often don’t know anything about copywriting or your specific business, and they just aren’t equipped to offer great advice. We are not doing peer reviews for this reason.
However, part of my method for writing really great copy is to ask for “Gut Checks” from people who fall into the ideal client parameters.
A Gut Check is when you ask someone to read your draft, and ONLY comment when:
Something resonates bigtime (Like, “Ooooh, that’s me. Where did you hide the camera in my house, you creeper!)
Something leaves you stone cold, and you don’t see yourself in it at all.
You’re confused and need clarification.
Hot. Cold. Confused. This is extremely useful feedback. And the Facebook Group is where you can ask for it whenever you’re ready.
Layer 6: Loom Reviews of Every Page
I love Google Docs for many reasons, but their comments feature is maybe my favorite.
All you have to do is highlight some text and a little window pops up on the right side of the page allowing you to comment, and/or TAG someone.
You can use this to ask questions or give feedback.
And you can use it to tag me when you want me to look at something, or when your draft is ready for fine-tuning.
I’ll jump in when I get a chance (give me a 5 day turnaround on this) and answer questions, make suggestions and tweaks, and/or send you a Loom video with high impact feedback so you know what to fix, how to fix it, and where to add that last sprinkle of pixie-dust.
That’s right — I’ll be there every step of the way.
This is your big incentive to get your drafts DONE between January 16th and February 24th, because I will not be offering this past that date.
Layer 7: My ‘It’s Gotta Work Guarantee”
I reserve my “It’s Gotta Work Guarantee” for my full-service clients only, but for this program, I’m offering it to you.
Give your copy a chance to work for 3-6 months, and then email me with your data — tell me what the responses were, how many calls you got, and what people commented on about your copy.
If your copy isn’t converting as desired,
if your services evolve, we will book a free hour-long call to make tweaks and changes to get you better results.
You won’t find any other program that guarantees students’ work. It’s impossible.
And I’m doing it anyway.
Program Structure
January 15th - February 23rd, 2024:
FOUR 60-minute Monday teaching calls at 4:30pm PST
FOUR 60-minute Wednesday co-working calls at 4:30pm PST
Plan for around 3-4 hours of solo writing time per week (at your own pace)
Plan for some additional time each week for feedback and revisions in Google docs and in the Facebook group
2 GRACE WEEKS (with guest expert calls)
3-4 guest expert calls
What we’ll get done:
4 Main Website Pages in 6 Weeks
Sales Page
Services Page
As soon as you sign up, we’ll schedule a call with just you and me so I get to know you and your biz really well
(It’s an extra layer of copy protection)
(This is the Don’t Buy Yet button. It’s here to make sure you know what you’re getting into.)
Let's make sure you'll love this
Okay, I know, it sounds great, and maybe you’re like “LET ME INTO THIS THING!” — but don’t scroll to the buy button just yet, because I want to make damn sure you will love this program before you hand over your hard-earned money.
To love this program, you need to:
Be comfortable using Google Docs. I won’t be providing tech support along with all the copy support, because I am one woman and I would curl into a fetal position and never come out again.
Know, solidly, what you do, who you do it for, and what it helps them do. Ie. Know your offers and your niche, what your niche dearly wants and what they struggle with. If you don’t know these things coming in, you won’t get the best results from this program. (If you’re not sure, come to a Craft n’ Copy Hour and ask if you’re clear enough to move forward with copy).
Have 1 target audience / niche. Many of my clients come in with two (sometimes more) target audiences and multiple services, which is fine for custom, 1:1 copywriting, but gets tricky in a group setting. The templates are designed primarily for coaches and service-based entrepreneurs who serve one niche, and have 1-3 offers.
Have the time and space in your schedule to commit to the 9am Pacific/ 12pm Eastern/ 5pm GMT Monday Template calls plus writing time. Wednesday Co-working sessions are optional but highly recommended.
Kinda like writing. You don’t have to love it. You don’t have to find it easy. But if you absolutely hate it, you should probably check out my other ‘done for you’ services.
Not expect your copy to do all of your selling for you. Copy is one piece of the puzzle, but you also need good design and a solid marketing plan. I can help with exactly one of those things (I invite bonus experts to help with the other factors!)
Be totally into breaking copy rules that you may have learned elsewhere. I’m here to break rules and drink tea. And I just ran out of tea.
What this program does NOT include:
Me writing your draft for you. You have to do the work. I will help as much as I can within 6 weeks. But I won’t do the work for you (if you’d like me to do the work for you, see my Services page).
Me telling you how to manipulate people into buying from you using every trick in the book.
Perfection. I am always making improvements to my processes and templates. It’s a journey.
Apply Now for the Truer Copy Mastermind in January 2024
This is an application only - I won’t be taking payments until after your application is accepted and we’ve had a chance for a Zoom chat! So apply now, then we can schedule a call to get to know each other. See you soon!
Potential Side Effects of the
Truer Copy Mastermind
You may experience
Improved writing skills for every aspect of your business and all of your future copy needs. You’ll learn great foundations for how to communicate effectively to your ideal clients.
New friends - everyone in this program are conscious entrepreneurs just like you! You’ll likely find kindred spirits.
Odd sensations of actually enjoying the copywriting process.
Never looking at a sales page the same way again, because you’ll know how it works from the inside.
Apply Now for the Truer Copy Mastermind in January 2024
This is an application only - I won’t be taking payments until after your application is accepted. Don’t worry, this isn’t a ‘test’. It’s just for me to make sure you’re ready to tackle your copy so you can get the most out of this program. No pressure, and it’s actually kinda fun. ;)
Got questions?
Let’s chat! Click below to email me.