Lauren’s Personal Referral List of Ethical Business Coaches, Marketers & Copywriters

I can’t do it all — no one can!

Sometimes, you need something… or someone… a li’l different. This is my personal list of professionals I trust.

Web Design Partners

These website designers offer DIY website templates that are designed to work WITH my Truer Copy Workbooks!

website designer kara ferreira sitting on a coach with a mason jar of disgusting greenish health smoothie

Kara Ferreira

Platforms: Squarespace & Wordpress

Claim to fame: Kara was a health coach before turning to website design, and she really understands not just the design side, but the business side of coaching. We’ve worked together on some of my favorite projects.

Find her here.

Website designer Carissa Erickson in a white sweater working at her desk

Vanessa Guerrero

Platforms: WordPress, Show-it, Squarespace, Wix

Website and brand designer for healers and mystics, and an illustrator, Vanessa brings art and soul together to translate the essence of her clients’ businesses into symbols, colors and images.

Find her here.

Carissa Erickson

Platform: ShowIt

Claim to fame: She’s the mastermind responsible for my website and I have seen her work wonders for my clients! She specializes in websites for coaches and creatives.

Find her here.

Done-For-You Website Designers

  • Nay Stevens

    Nay Stevens

    Platform: Wordpress

    Colorful, versatile, and savvy about using design to highlight copy is how I’d describe Nay’s websites. Her secret talent is infusing her client’s websites with the kind of warmth you usually only get from a hot cup of cocoa by a roaring fire. She might just be the Queen of Cozy.

    Find her here.

  • Anika Samples

    Platforms: Squarespace & Wordpress

    Platform: Squarespace

    Clarity + Brand Strategy + Design is the intersection where you’ll find Anika. You’ll want to hire her before you hire me (or any other copywriter) so you get all of the elements of your brand aligned before we put words to it! And her design style is downright magical, yet modern.

    Find her here.

  • Dominique Marshall

    Platform: Squarespace

    Website design for soul-led, service-based business owners, Dominique offers branding and web design with intention. I love her approach (starting by defining your brand strategy) and her designs are * chef’s kiss *.

    Find her here.

  • Natalie McGuire

    Platform: WordPress

    Time to UPLEVEL in a big way? Natalie works with service-based entrepreneurs ready to optimize their brand and website. Projects start with client research and website recommendations are driven by that data. I’ve hired her myself. She is pure gold.

    Find her here.

  • Ashley Dedin

    Platform: Wix

    Graphic designer, copywriter AND Wix website designer, Ashley is a one-stop shop. Her clients include coaches, authors, artists, therapists and astrologers, so you know she’s one of us. She also works with product-based entrepreneurs, so if you’re thinking of setting up shop, check her out.

    Find her here.

Business Coaches & Programs.

Copy only works when your clients can find your website — these people help you figure out how to make contact with your ideal clients in a beautiful, ethical, everybody wins kinda way. No smarmy sales tactics with this crowd.

(Hot tip: Follow all of them on Instagram)

Rebecca Tracey.

Uncage Your Business is my favorite program for new(er) coaches and service-based solopreneurs. Becca’s emphasis on client research is indispensable for messaging, copy and offer creation. I’m also the official UYB copy coach, so you get templates I wrote especially for UYB, and a group call with me once a month. Great for DIYers who need a bit of structure and accountability.

Find UYB (Uncage Your Business) here.

Gemma Gilbert.

Gemma’s Amplify program helps experienced entrepreneurs go from 1:1 to creating group programs that actually have what it takes to gain traction. If you’re looking at scaling your business with an evergreen group program, this is a fabulous course.

Find Gemma here.

Jessie May Kezele.

For more experienced “fempreneurs”, Jessie May offers archetypal branding guidance and design support that is truly business-enlightening. I’ve worked with Jessie May with many clients and I recommend her to anyone who’s struggling to figure out the essence of their brand.

Check out The Daring Fempreneur here.

I love these humans so much

Tad Hagrave.

Marketing for Hippies offers some of the best guidance around niching and point-of-view (ie. messaging) I’ve found. Tad’s approach informs a lot of my work and I recommend his videos, ebooks and membership to everyone.

Find Tad here.

George Kao.

Working on improving your content, need help with productivity, and want to do both in the most authentic, loving way possible? I can’t recommend George’s courses, ebooks, videos and Instagram enough (his content is inspiring).

Find George here.

Caroline Leon.

Specializes in ethical marketing, authentic outreach, content marketing and how to sell and enroll clients with integrity. She offers limited 1:1 coaching, a fantastic 12-month Mastermind, and low-cost online workshops on a range of business topics. I’ve been working with her since 2020. You definitely want to sign up for her newsletter (trust me).

Find Caroline here.

Ethical Marketers.

  • Jennie Alexis

    Values-led marketing strategy for paradigm subverters and rebels. Prepare to question everything, find business-changing answers, and connect with kindred spirits.

    Find Jennie here.

  • Jonah Richman

    Instagram specialist for coaches and wellness practitioners, focusing on organic growth through authentic content and connection. Single sessions, and ongoing coaching.

    Find Jonah here.

  • Megan

    Just Peachy Digital offers social media management including content creation, scheduling, strategy and support. This is the “please do it for me” option.

    Find Megan here.

Messaging Specialists, Copywriters & Content

  • Rachael Cumberland-Dodd

    Messaging specialist.

    I’d love every client to go to Rachael first — her gift is distilling down ideas into the essence of your business, so you can whip out a cohesive elevator pitch no matter how esoteric your work. Jet fuel for marketing & confidence.

    Find Rachael here.

  • Danielle Heyns

    Copywriter & Embodied Copy Coach

    If you struggle to own your expertise - Danielle helps you with both copy and confidence. Her signature system helps her clients get clear on messaging and feel confident delivering it, blasting writer’s block for true-to-you copy.

    Find Danielle here.

  • Mary Diaz

    Copywriter & Marketing Strategist.

    If my writing is like a warm mug of tea on a misty morning, Mary’s is like a rap battle — energetic, observant, irreverent and to the point. Specializing in “copy for complex women”, she works with healers, makers, “witches & bitches” who don’t shy away from copy with attitude.

    Find Mary here.

  • Dr. Michelle Mazur

    Messaging strategist.

    Michelle's 3 Word Rebellion process unearths the message you want to be known while powerfully communicating the value your business creates. With a Ph.D. in Communication, she knows how to build an argument for your work that turns strangers into clients.

    Find Michelle here.

  • Kelly Holmes

    Content Coach.

    Kelly shares my “Lazy SEO” philosophy and will teach you how to get a LOT of traffic with as little effort as possible. If you dread blogging but know it’s how you get eyes on your website, her Sticky Blogging and Sticky SEO courses are for you. Registration for her next class is in Sept ‘22.

    Find Kelly here.

  • Michelle Wolff

    Copywriter & Wordpress Website Design.

    If you’re into Human Design and need website copy & design, you’re going to love Michelle Wolff! Multipassionates, woo-preneurs, and people who don’t fit into anyone’s box are her jam. As she puts it: “simple websites & clear copy for complex people.”

    Find Michelle here.

One more thing!

I take this referral list VERY seriously, and if you work with any of these professionals, I’d love to hear about your experience. Feel free to contact me with your feedback so I can make sure everyone on this list is the very best.