Truer Words by Lauren

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Zoom Bling: How to add a waiting room video and other hot tips

Welcome to the Zoom crash-course you never knew you needed. This has nothing to do with copywriting and everything to do with being an online entrepreneur who does a LOT of work on Zoom! I use Zoom multiple times a day and I have some FEELINGS about other meeting software.

Here's what happened to inspire this newsletter... 

I got CAUGHT in a Microsoft Teams meeting the other day. If you're already a Zoom-user, you might understand the pain. the panic. the UGH WHY.

Please observe Exhibit A (Teams): I put on makeup that day. Felt pretty cute. Until Microsoft Teams happened. All of a sudden, I was eleven years old with no idea what to do with my hair and zits running in a line down my face. Okay, full disclosure, I am self-conscious in front of a camera at the best of times, but when that camera was not built with filter-capability (because PATRIARCHY)... UGH WHY. 

Google Meet has the same issue. No filter. 

Enter Exhibit B (Zoom): I tidied my eyebrows, slapped on some lipstick and called it good that day. Zoom filter to the rescue. I felt cute, I looked cute, and didn't feel the need to run for COVER (of the makeup variety).

If you're a Zoom-enthusiast like I am, you might be interested to know it goes a few steps farther than just evening out skin tone... Did you know that:

  • Zoom has 'Studio Effects' settings where you can darken and shape your EYEBROWS and pick a pretty shade of lippy? Click the little up-arrow to the right of Stop Video, go to settings, then Background & Effects. It's hiding in the lower right corner (see below).

Lauren's patented 'get ready quick' tips for 8am Zoom meetings...

1. Get a Pajama-Dress -- is it a dress, or is it a nightgown? NO ONE KNOWS. Throw a wrap or jacket on over it, and you go from Pillow to Professional. I have one in black. They're $15.
2. Earrings maketh the woman -- I don't have pierced ears, but I keep a box of clip-ons on my desk that I pop on right before meetings. Earrings + lipstick = Ready for anything. These are my favorites.

And now, for my final Tip! The Zoom Waiting Room Video Tutorial! 

Here's a loom video walkthrough for how to add a sweet video to your Zoom waiting room. 
Short version: Go to Settings --> General and under "Waiting Room" go to "Customize Waiting Room". Select "Video" and paste the link to the video (my favorite source for videos is Pexels). 

See this content in the original post

Why add a video to your waiting room? 

The video isn't JUST Zoom bling -- it also serves a purpose. Whether you choose a video of a sleeping kitty, or pouring coffee from a thermos at the beach, or pouring tea (like mine), it sets the energetic tone of the meeting to follow. A relaxing video sends signals to our nervous systems to calm down and ground, which leads to an all-around better meeting! 

A few guidelines for video selection:

  • Choose a video that's the correct size -- 30MB (if it's not clear, just try pasting the video link anyway and if it doesn't work, try a smaller version the next time)

  • Choose a video that looks like it could have been taken in your home or office. It should look like 'you' -- and have colors and themes similar to your brand. 

  • You don't have to have a calming video. You could have a funny video with bright colors if THAT is more your brand. 

  • Don't have a video with a human in it that is not you. That could get confusing, like "I'm supposed to meet with X right now, who is THIS person!? Am I in the right place?!"