Writing in Mercury Retrograde

mercury retrograde and writing

So, what I did I decide to do this week with Mercury (and Mars, and several other planets - it's a hot mess up there) in retrograde?Travel, and try to work at the same time. Hah!Terrible plan.Now, Mercury in retrograde isn't inherently evil or anything. It's a chance for us to confront and learn from things we'd really rather brush under the rug. At the very least, we learn to handle frustration with hopefully a tad more grace.But this is what that looked like today:I can't focus on work where I'm staying, because I'm staying with my mother, and my mother hasn't seen me in months and has much conversation saved up for the occasion. Focusing is not possible. (Fun fact: Studies show that it takes the average person 20 minutes to regain focus after being interrupted. If you're interrupted every 5 minutes.... lol... it's not conducive to getting anything done past answering a couple of emails).So I ran out the door this morning, took a delightful yoga class to center myself, and went to the only coffee shop in town where I knew there was a big comfy chair next to a power outlet where I could camp out and finally focus on finishing the website of a superbly lovely client.But, when I arrive at the coffee shop, I realize it's changed ownership since my last visit, the chair is gone, replaced by uncomfortable wood chairs that are very bad for my bad back - and -this is where Mercury really dug in his winged heals...they've covered up every single power outlet with tape. To discourage people from working there!(And they can't even manage a properly steeped Earl Grey tea - I mean, talk about adding insult to injury).Many, many deep breaths later - because I've worked myself up into a tizzy wanting to get this website done beautifully and trying to work at it this whole week despite being unable to devote my whole self to the work - I give up. That was the final straw of a real straw-stack of a week.Mercury, you've got me.Again.And I will accept the lesson that I have less control over my creative process than I'd like, and depend on the grace of my clients to give me an extension until Monday.That may be Mercury's biggest lesson, to me at least. Sometimes, you have to release control and realize the cosmos need to work themselves out, and no amount of pushing, pulling, or 'powering through' will hasten the process.In short: Being a writer, a creator, or really anyone but a hermit during Mercury retrograde is a lesson in patience with ourselves, and giving extra grace to others, because we all need it right now. 


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