Good Karma = Good Business


My bread-and-butter work is writing long, 2000+ word guest posts for marketing experts looking to gain recognition as thought leaders in their industries. I like it - as a copywriter, writing about the latest and greatest marketing tactics across SaaS and e-commerce industries keeps me razor-sharp, and then I can help my heart-centered clients that much better. So, in these posts, I often have to show examples of other companies who are ROCKING THEIR SPACES - the businesses setting the standards in customer success, customer service, UX, and generally being a good egg.These examples involve screenshots of the good example in action, and a brief mention of the company responsible for the good work. Because I believe in giving credit where credit is due.It doesn't happen often, but sometimes, if the guest post will be published the website of a "competitor" of one of these good examples, the competing brand wants to pretend that the other brand doesn't exist.But, you know, still use the other brand's good idea - just not give them any credit.That's not good karma.It comes from a place of fear and selfishness. It's that kindergarten-age impulse of not being willing to share the crayons.And it happens in business all the time!Honestly, it makes me want to scream WORK FROM A PLACE OF ABUNDANCE PEOPLE!!!There are enough clients for all of us. We can toot each other's horns without fear that it diminishes us. And if you're concerned that your competitor offers something that's better than what you offer, then raise your game and thank them for inspiring you to do so.I've written posts in the past highlighting other copywriters I admire. Am I concerned that you, dear reader, will work with them instead of me? Not a bit. You, dear reader, will find the copywriter who resonates best with you. All I need to do is show you who I am, as best I can. There's no other copywriter on earth who can compete with that.But this isn't about me and my business - it's about you and yours.Your business works the same way. You don't have to compete based on what others are doing as long as you are offering the very best of what you do. What you do, how you do it, and who you are is a unique combination. Your people will recognize it, as  long as you can show them who you are, as best you can.You be you. It's enough. The world, and certainly the internet, is a bountiful place.We can all share the wealth and be richer for it.


Writing Read-Worthy Newsletters


When good brands go bad