A more beautiful way of doing business
berries, unsplash
"A different way to grow for a more beautiful way of doing business"
How can we bring people and businesses together in meaningful, authentic, and mutually beneficial ways - without being "salesy"?This is the question that turned me from a conversion copywriter to... something else.See, I didn't like selling. I didn't like being sold to. Nobody else I asked did either. As a content marketer, I felt like I was fighting against a tide of resistance and disinterest in consumers, and in myself. So I questioned the prevailing wisdom: Can we grow our businesses without all of this?By creating products & services that genuinely help,by being motivated to make a difference rather than a dollar,by being authentic in all our interactions - whether in person, online, or even in the midst of making a sale -by being thoughtful, versus being calculating or manipulative - yes.Yes we can.