Don’t Let Spirit Dictate Your Spiritual Copywriting 

Your Spirit Guides probably shouldn’t write your copy.

As a spiritual copywriter, I’ve worked with many business owners who regularly channel information from Spirit / Angels / Guides / God — and I love that! I get downloads all the time too, especially when writing. My best work flows from somewhere above my head straight through my fingers into the keyboard. It’s magic.

But… it’s very, very rare for Guides to be savvy marketers. 

In fact, I’ve only seen it once (shout-out to the Spirit team of Ainslie MacLeod - y’all know your stuff!). 

For everyone else — your Spirit team has a lot to say. 

A. Lot. 

I know. 

And sometimes they’ll tell you “This is marketing GOLD!”

… … … 

They get a little excited when they have a bright idea. But that doesn’t mean they understand what your clients need to hear right now. 


Spirit teams are crap at understanding Levels of Awareness. Their level of awareness is a MILE HIGH! They have the big picture, the larger perspective, the forest (not the trees). They’re fantastic at giving you your North Star ideas, the intuitive pointers to the path that aligns with your purpose. 

They tend to be terrible at the small stuff.

The small stuff is where your clients live right now.

  • Their immediate problems, pains, struggles they’re experiencing right now, or at 3am.

  • Their desires for what they want to change in their lives right now. 

  • The tangible results they want you to help them achieve.

This is why I love the words “so you can” in copy. “So you can” is a bridge between what you know they need, and what they want now. Spirit doesn’t understand “so you can” because their perspective is waaaay above the earthly plane.

I’m talking about this:

Tap into your intuition and feel supported by your spirit team so you can walk fearlessly into the [doctor’s office / meeting with your boss] and advocate for yourself without self-doubt or second-guessing.

NOT “so you can feel the love of the universe” or “so you can connect with God”. Those are fine things to be able to do, but few clients will pay you for it.

Now you try!

“Learn to meditate so you can …

  1. Become initiated into the mysteries of the universe

  2. Find inner peace

  3. Clear your mind of the mental chatter and to do lists, regain your ability to focus, and finally get that work project done without distraction!

Sure, you’ll also get the A and B benefits, and those benefits might be the REAL POINT! But the thing I’m going to pay for, as a client, is to be able to solve my immediate problem so I can achieve my immediate goal.

I’m going to pay to solve my immediate problem so I can achieve my immediate goal.

I can read your mind — you’re thinking “But my clients are different. They want enlightenment, universal love, connection with self and the divine.” Yes, they do. So they can do what?

  • Enlightenment, so you can remain unruffled when your ex-co-parent wants you to change your vacation plans to better align with their schedule. Which means you stay calm in front of your kid instead of saying what an a-hole their other parent is. Which means they don’t spend ten years in therapy (at least not for that).

  • Universal love so you can feel whole, enough, and worthy of love without spending your life questing for external validation from all the wrong people. So you can stop your pattern of over-giving, over-doing and overscheduling, drag yourself out of burnout, and start living a life you genuinely love — because what you do and who you do it for is no longer the only way to GET love.

Do you see where I’m going with this?

Ground the Woo in the Practical. 

Now, let’s do the last one together:

  • Why does your hypothetical client want “connection with self and the Divine”?

The best place to find the answer is: Ask your clients, not your Spirit team. 

Yes, let your Spirit Team guide you in terms of purpose and big ideas. But when it comes to the language you use on your website, how you reflect back your clients’ struggles, and what you help them do (immediately, in their everyday lives), let that language come from your clients.

Their level of awareness comes from the trenches. Because that’s where they are right now, before they work with you. That’s where your website needs to reach them.

THEN you can lead them out of the trenches, onto the surface, and into more Spiritual realms. But you have to start the journey where they are. Right now. And they can’t see the forest for the trees. And your Spirit team can’t see the trees for the forest.

***Okay, I hear you: your Spirit team is different. Your clients are different. This doesn’t apply to you at all. Cool. I’ve got just the thing to help you find the words you need: Truer Copy Workbooks. Put your Spirit Posse to work answering the pre-writing questions, then ask a couple of your ideal clients to ‘gut check’ the language, and tell you how they would put it into their words. 

If you want your copy to work to bring in more clients, use your clients’ words. If you want your Spirit Guides to run the show, I sure hope they’re paying the bills.


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