Truer Words by Lauren

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How can I support you?

Coronavirus has us on lockdown here in San Diego, and while I'm feeling isolated, I'm not feeling alone! We're in a collective pickle, and I'm feeling very 1940s Wartime these days. Make do and mend! Keep Calm and Carry On! Make jam! But mostly, I want to help my neighbors - you all - in any way I can. Because we all have to pull together right now.

I find myself asking many of my friends "How can I support you?" And you're my friends, so I'd like to ask you the same thing.

Seriously - email me. I'm a great Yoga accountability buddy and I'll send you cute animal photos.

But I've also been working on a crazy idea that is not ready to share, but none of us are ready for lockdown either.

I'm offering free 60-minute sessions, called "MindMeld" sessions, where we tackle any project you want and either finish it, or get it pretty close.

I'm still working on the page, but this is the rough draft version of what I have in mind, with some early FAQs.

Essentially, a MindMeld session is a 60 minutes Zoom call where you and I work together on *anything you need* in a Google Doc. We'll be co-creating, brainstorming, finding the right words together, and I'll guide you every step of the way so you get great copy you can use RIGHT NOW.

Maybe you could use a friend who knows how to write really great copy to help you spruce up your About page, or brainstorm blog posts, or write that sales page or freebie offer.

I'd be happy to help you.

Even if you can't pay for copywriting right now and just need the freebie (That's fine! You're who this is for!). Even if you just want a friendly voice on a call for an hour (I'm finding that I'm much more extroverted than I thought and I'm about ready to start making friends with coconuts Robinson Crusoe-style over here - you'd be doing me a solid).