The 4 Elements of an Ultra Clear Intro

Not sure how to start your home page or sales page? (You know, the two MOST important pages on your website?) If you include these four elements, you’ll achieve the clarity that leads to sales.

One of my UYB students, and a Craft n’ Copy Hour regular, Andrea Janssen sent me the best email today — announcing that her website is done (yay!) and she’s been getting great feedback on it already. Of course I took a peek (I love seeing good copy fly out of the nest into the world!), and I was blown away by the level of clarity she achieved in the top of her home page. With her permission, I made a video to show you each of the four elements she used to get that clarity, and how they work together.

You can see her entire coaching for healers website here.

A 7 minute walkthrough of the intro section of an ultra clear home page


Don’t Let Spirit Dictate Your Spiritual Copywriting 


Sell a program with a single email?